Cause for Alarm: Three Bicyclist Fatalities on Indiana Roadways in 15 Days

In North Vernon, Indiana on April 1st a bicyclist was tragically killed when for an unknown reason (accident currently under investigation). The bicyclist fell off his bike, and was struck by a driver of a Jeep Liberty. He was pronounced dead at the scene.
Two weeks ago, a couple walking in a buffered bike lane in Columbus were killed after being struck from behind by an intoxicated driver.
On March 23rd, a Muncie man was killed when his bicycle was struck by a car after the driver “looked away for a moment” while traveling through a dark section of Morrison Road.
In LaGrange County on March 22nd a 13 year-old girl riding her bicycle was killed when a motor vehicle driver traveling in the same direction failed to yield her the right away. Again-all five of these fatal accidents have occurred in just over 2 weeks.
Did you know Indiana is the 13th deadliest state for bicyclists?
The Governors Highway Safety Association recently published a report stating pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities are the highest they’ve been in over two decades, and 2017 is proving to be another deadly year just days into spring. From 2015 to 2016 there was an 11% increase in fatalities.
Tabor Law Firm has successfully represented numerous of individuals who were seriously injured as well as grieving families of bicyclists and pedestrians who were wrongfully killed due to someone else’s negligence. We’re here to fight for you. We’re here to help you. Contact Tabor Law Firm today.
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