Walking the Line Between Public Health and Public Safety

As Indiana is in the middle of a Stay At Home Order issued by Gov. Holcomb many state organizations are figuring out how to protect themselves. COVID-19 has highlighted a new threat faced by Indiana’s first responders. Emergency and medical professionals, ambulance crews, firefighters, and law enforcement are all having to balance serving the community with emergency preparedness while keeping themselves safe.
First responders are prepared, by nature of their profession, to jump into action when a crisis strikes. A car crashes, a tornado touches down, and they mobilize. At the local and national levels, they approached the rapidly spreading coronavirus in a similar way. The CDC has issued guidance for first responders and law enforcement officials on their website. But there has been a strain on the supply of protective gear that helps keep these first responders safe. Placing them at high levels of risk.
This kind of risk assessment is something we see often at Tabor Law as a personal injury and wrongful death firm. We’re very proud to partner with first responders across the state of Indiana like the Indiana State Police Alliance and Indiana Sheriffs’ Association. Protecting those that protect us.
As this is a rapidly changing situation we hope you and your family are staying at home and staying safe in these turbulent times. Tabor Law Firm is here for first responders as you bravely serve the community.
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